18 November 2011

Why "smart" phones sometimes just ain't

For being dubbed "smartphones" most of the devices that fall into that category seem to have very dumb phone capabilities. You would think that as companies develop these devices that they wouldn't just take the phone part for granted, relegated to the back burner while they work on the other stuff. Sure, I enjoy apps and other features too, but if the device fails at its originally intended purpose - that is, sending and receiving phone calls and text messages - then I believe we have failed somewhere along the way. There are some, I think, basic functionalities that so-called smartphones seem to be lacking. Functionalities that their dumber little siblings seem to have figured out.

For example, I would like to be able to silence all calls except from a handful of numbers. I would like to be able to have different lists of numbers based on my needs so that I can just select a group, choose "Silence" or "Silence all others" and it should work. That way I can be sure not to miss calls from, say, work when I'm on call, or my wife when she is traveling at night without having to worry about drunken wrong numbers or people I don't care to hear from when I'm trying to sleep.

Or how about assigning one ringtone to all non-contact phone numbers and another to generic contacts and also have the ability to give individuals the distinct ringtones? This way if my phone is across the house, I can determine whether or not I want to pause my movie or game to run and answer it just based on the ringtone. This may seem complicated but my dumbphone from Kyocera can do it, why can't my Droid or iPhone?

Now I haven't really looked into add-on apps for these things, and I'm sure they're out there, but there is a problem with just using a third-party app: it's not built in to the design of the phone. This means that it is likely not going to be nearly as reliable. I have heard horror stories from people who have used different apps for text messaging and ringtones and they don't work quite right. They miss text messages, or have different sounds setup for ringtones and they malfunction causing someone to answer the phone in a rather embarassing way because they think the caller is someone else (yes, I've done this, hush). While this is fine once in a while, it's not something I would like to rely on for important functions. I'd rather not have an app that silences certain calls malfunction and I stop receiving the important ones. I really don't want to have to explain to my boss why I didn't get the email server back up and running because some app silenced the ops number when they called. This is why I got rid of my Windows phone and why I'll never go back to one. I wouldn't get alerts for hours on end and then wake up my phone and see 6 voicemails and 10 text messages. That was infuriating.

Phone developers need to continue to improve the basic functions of the phone in addition to the bells and whistles that make these devices phenomenal. I don't want to carry two devices, I want the device I spent exorbitant amounts of money on to have the features I can get from a cheap throw-away phone.

18 January 2011

Why are eBooks so ridonkulously priced?

Riddle me this: Why is it that I can get a full download of the Tron: Legacy soundtrack (or virtually ANY other album) from Amazon for $4.99 (or $7.99), or I can buy the physical CD for $11.88; but if I want a damned eBook, I am paying as much or MORE than I would pay for the paperback? And don't give me that "cheaper than hardback" nonsense, because I don't subscribe to that newsletter. The publisher still makes money on paperbacks, so does the author. Otherwise they wouldn't reissue them every couple of years with different cover art at the current paperback market price.

If the book isn't available in paperback form yet, I understand the price discrepancy. But if it is available in paperback, then change the ebook price accordingly. I mean honestly, if I buy the book I should get a free ebook copy with it. Hell, I'd even pay $12.99 for the paperback in that instance if necessary.

Here's why I'm ranting: I spent $9.99 on a book that came out 2 years ago, I've since purchased a Nook and I'm going on a business trip that I'd like to reread the aforementioned novel. But now if I want an ebook copy of it, it's another $8.99. That's horseshit. If I have already purchased it, I should get some sort of a discount. Yeah, I know that's not how it works in retail: "Oh, but I already bought one vacuum, I'd like a second at half price." But we aren't talking vacuums. We're talking about a book. A book whose content hasn't changed, mind you. And it isn't like they're LOSING money by including a copy of the ebook. I mean look at DVDs and BluRays now; if you buy one, most of them have a code for a free digital copy so you can take it with you. Yes, you pay more for them up front, but you get more out of them in the long run so it's worth it. Like I said, I'll pay more initially for a book if you give me multiple ways to enjoy it.


16 January 2011

Repost - And so it begins again...

Repost - Greater and Lesser Magicks, which is right for you?

Repost - Even GOD doesn't want you to think


So I am watching TV tonight and I saw a Junque for Jesus ad. The ad starts with Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." I actually REWOUND the DVR to make sure I read that right. Do not lean on your own understanding. Does this look to anyone else like "Think not for yourself, God already knows"?

Now I understand why people can constantly say shit like "God has a purpose for your life" when your baby is stillborn. Or when you find out that you have cancer and have less than six months to live. I guess if I could just put everything on someone else's shoulders all the time, I wouldn't give a fuck either. Although confront those same people with tragedy and their tune tends to change. When it doesn't you realize that you have either found a true zealot, or someone that has found their drug in Christianity (sometimes those are one and the same, but the Drug Christians are usually ones that "convert" late in life after battling some sort of addiction or another and just substitute church and Jesus for Meth and Speed). There isn't hope for those people, so it's best to just move on.

For the rest of us, though, those of us that take a step back and think for ourselves, how do you justify this passage? Do we really have to just be sheep? I always thought it was funny when I was in Sunday school and they likened the Christians to the Sheep and the evil-doers to the Goats. However everywhere else in analogies and what-not, being a sheep is a BAD thing. Are the Christians really ok with being sheep? If so, I guess more power to them, but hopefully they don't get angry when I drive by and "Baaaa" at them while they are walking into church.

Another question, why is the passage there? Why did the author feel the need to actually TELL people in black and white that they should not think for themselves? Are they trying to dull our senses enough so that we don't notice the other glaring inconsistencies in their stories later in the bible? Am I just too bitter? I dunno. It's hard for me to reconcile the fact that I spent 20 years being lied to every day. It was bad enough the shit I had to hear from my Dad, but to add to that the fact that the one person I did look up to, turned out to be a complete fraud, kinda leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.

I know, I know, religion teaches that we are to be tolerant and loving of all people and religions. I say fuck religious tolerance. Those that are the loudest about it are the ones that are the most intolerant. So to me it seems largely hypocritical. Christians are now constantly preaching about how tolerant they are, yet whose God has been responsible for EVERY religious war EVER. Oh, and for those of you about to bitch that the Muslims start a lot, too, let me clue you in to a little secret. Allah and God are the same dude. Do some research if you doubt this. Back to what I was saying, it seems to me that the God in whose name billions of people have been killed from the beginning of time may not be the one we should be putting so much blind faith in.

Let me ask you something. If you had a boss that acted like God, would you work for him very long? "So, um, yeah, I'm gonna need you to bring your kid in to work today and kill him for me. Just to show me that you are loyal." Or how about "Look, the only way you are gonna get that corner office is if you take my son and worship him. Him and only him. No other friends. That's the only way you can get in. Don't like it? Looks like you'll have to go work in the shithouse down the street." Or what if you worked your ass off everyday for the company and he promotes Bob the Janitor to VP because he's meek. Wouldn't that piss you off? I sure as shit wouldn't work there anymore, no matter HOW good the benefits were. That's another thing. No tangible benefits. Nobody knows if the 401k plan is real. You pay into it your whole life, but you really have no idea whether the payoff is legit. You just pray that your boss is telling you the truth. Nobody, and I mean nobody would work for a guy like that. So why put your entire life in the hands of someone like that?

Repost - Learn to Swim

Repost - Awfully Unamerican

Repost - Open Letter to Parents Suing MySpace

Repost - Anakin's Descent


So all I ever hear about Episode III is how horrible it was. While I will give you that it could have been tons better, I think something everyone overlooks is one of the main reasons the film was made. Anakin's Descent into Darth Vader. I mean when you watched the first three movies (Episodes IV, V and VI) everybody wanted to know how D.V. got that way. Was he just a magnificent bastard from the beginning or did something happen to MAKE him that way? To turn him to the Dark Side.

I can honestly say that if I had been faced with what Anakin had faced, I may not have been able to stay pure and good. Think about it. He left his mother when he was young to become a Jedi. All well and good, but then he starts having dreams that something has happened to her. So he goes to Tattooine to find her and guess what, something HAD. Eventually he finds her only to have her die in his arms the moment he finds her. Can one of you honestly tell me that if that had happened to you, that you wouldn't have slaughtered an entire village of Tusken Raiders if you knew they were the cause of her death? Unfortunately because he tapped into the rage that he felt and let it control him, he begins his Descent.

Ain't that some shit, though? The first person that ever cared for you and loved you and because you kill the people responsible for her death, you start becoming evil. Fuck, Bourne goes after EVERYBODY because they killed his girl in Supremacy. HE doesn't become a Sith Lord. So let's analyze this further and see where Anakin further turns from the Light.

After his episode on Tattooine the Clone Wars start. So he goes to war for three years. Now if you have ever met someone who has been in intense combat you will discover that a part of them has gone out. Call it Innocence if you will. The feeling you have after you have taken someone's life and nearly lost your own is something that will never go away. Not truly. The Jedi were in the thick of it every day. And these weren't just occasional skirmishes, it was all out WAR throughout the galaxy. Oh, and they didn't hide behind a blaster and shoot from afar, no, they met every enemy face to face in single combat (mostly) and destroyed them through skill, luck and the Force.

After about three years of this, he returns home to find his young bride pregnant. Happy day, right? You would think. But not for this guy. Now he starts having dreams that the only person he has left, his Padme, is going to die in childbirth. Now as a father, I can tell you this is a very real fear. You know that song "Don't take the girl"? Third verse makes me cry every time.

"Doctor says the baby's fine but you'll have to leave
'cause his momma's fading fast and Johnny hit his knees"'

I say this just days before my wife is due with our third child, and I can't say it is any easier this time. True, there is absolutely nothing high risk about this pregnancy, but there wasn't for Padme and Anakin either. Well, at least not that he knew at the time, we know later that it was his damn fault, but that doesn't stop the fear.

So now he goes to someone that he respects and listens to, and the guy tells him that with his teaching Anakin could have the power to stop death.

Holy fuck, this is heady. If I knew that my wife was going to die in childbirth and someone tells me that I can have the power to stop that, I sure as shit don't think I could turn away. Remember the Tim McGraw song? Do you know what the next lines were?

"Take the very breath you gave me
Take the heart from my chest
I'll gladly take her place if you'll let me
Make this my last request
Take me out of this world
God, please don't take the girl"

I once had someone tell me that they couldn't understand why Anakin turned bad. I told them they had never been in love. It pissed them off, but I was right. They'll never know it until they are truly in love. With someone other than themselves. Once that day comes, if they think back on our conversation, they will suddenly realize why Anakin turned.

Is that an excuse? No. But it's an understanding. I'm not saying that he was justified it murdering the Younglings, but I am saying I understand his pain. No, I have never lost someone close to me, but I can tell you that even the THOUGHT of it is enough to drive me to the brink of sanity. Maybe it's because I have a very very small group of people I truly love. (Six total)

Or maybe it's because I know that if ever faced with losing my soul or losing someone I love, I'd better pack a suitcase for some hot weather because I wouldn't have to choose. I know.

I was once told that if someone ever held a gun up to my head and told my parents that I would be killed if they did not renounce their faith, they would let me die. Why? Because it would be better for me. I've thought about that a lot since then. And more since I have become a parent. And I can tell you that my answer would be slightly different. If someone ever held a gun to my child's head, there is not a force on this earth or below it that would save them from my wrath. Think its cheesy? Have a kid. You'll understand. If you don't then please give your child(ren) to someone that does. Because something in you is broken.

Repost - Time for some Zen

Author's note - I really *do* need to do this.

So I have finally come to the end of my rope. I am so sick of always being angry at everything. I was having a conversation with my dad the other day and he said something that has been eating at me for several days. He said that I am too angry, that I sound too much like him and that I am way too young to be this cynical and jaded. I like to think of myself as a realist, most cynics do. But he has a point. What good does it do me to constantly be angry at the stupidity that surrounds me? Am I going to change any of it? No. Is it going to change on it's own? Fuck no. I realize that my anger is not only destroying me, but it is affecting my children. So I have to not only control this anger, but I have to eradicate it from controlling my very being.

So how to eradicate it. That is the key. It does no good to SAY I am going to stop being angry at everything and not do anything about it. One's willpower can only carry so far with no discipline. And we all know that I have very little self-discipline. If I did, I would have a college degree and be making a lot more money than I am right now. But I digress. Back to the how. Is it enough to just change one's viewpoint? Not really. It requires an entire paradigm shift. To achieve such a paradigm shift one has to surround one's self with things that have aspects of the new paradigm. It does no good to simply remove the anger, either. It has to be replaced by something else. It's like a lost love. "Tis better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all". What horseshit. I'd like to meet the idiot that said that and slap him around for a while. Granted, that won't help my anger issue, will it? Heh. But back to what I said, if you lose a love, ANY love, you have to fill that void with something or it will eat at you eternally. It's hard to fathom that anger can be anyone's "love" but it has been a living, breathing part of me for as long as I can remember.

I once told my mom that in order for us to exist, we must embrace our "Beast", or our primal selves. While this is true, there must be a balance. Embracing it does not mean letting it take control. It means understanding it and using it when necessary but not allowing it to take over our consciousness. This is why I have to eradicate it's hold. I have embraced it to the exclusion of other things.

After pondering this for a while, and believe me this was no new revelation, but it gave me the kick in the shorts, so to speak, needed to realize that this is not going to get better on it's own. I have come to the decision that I cannot do this using the same tactics with which I try to fix everything else. I have to do something completely new and different. But not so different that my mind completely rebels from it. For the longest time I have been utterly fascinated with all things japanese in art. I think I will take it to the next level and begin to immerse myself in their spiritual teachings, the teachings of art, meditation, and war. Wait, back up, what? War? Why the hell would I study the art of war if I am trying to get RID of my anger? A fantastic question. And one that is answered much better by a novel entitled Ender's Game. I suggest you check it out. As for me, I am going to pursue my Zen. Does this mean I will never get angry again or have occasion to rant? Not likely. But it does mean that I will begin the journey towards peace and, hopefully, a kind of enlightenment.

"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom" - Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching

Repost - I know the Meaning of Life...



For those of you that may not know what that means, let me enlighten you. I first heard this at some point in elementary school, but started understanding this concept more when learning how to fix computers. The concept is thus: Garbage In, Garbage Out. Let me speak on this a bit more so you can begin to see where I am going with this. Your computer does nothing on it's own. It is merely a collection of parts and pieces that can do amazing things with the right input. If you think of it at its most basic level the computer is merely a box that interprets your input via the keyboard and/or mouse to give you a desired output via your monitor. For example, when you give it the three finger salute (CTRL+ALT+DEL) it gives you the Task Manager, or allows you to log on to the computer/network. You have given it a command, and it interprets what you tell it and gives you an output based on it's programming. Programming is just another kind of input. It tells the ones and zeros how to line up to get the computer parts to do what the programmer wants them to. An example of bad input causing poor output would be Windows 98. This is a very oversimplified explanation, but you get the point.

Since learning of this concept, it has stuck in the back of my mind, ever present when growing and maturing. I start realizing that there is a whole lot more to this concept of Garbage In, Garbage Out. My daughter has helped make some great points to this for me. I have the mouth of a sailor. Actually I have made sailors blush with some of the profanity that comes out of my mouth, especially when I am driving. One day when Piggy (my now five year old) was around 18 months, we were driving in the car on our way to the store. My wife and I were trying to have a conversation and Piggy just kept singing louder and louder trying to get our attention. Finally I had had enough and told her to shut up. She immediately fires back with "FUCK YOU!!! Yeah, what now?" I don't think I have ever laughed that hard. I know, I know, that isn't very appropriate, but when you think about it, an 18 month old that not only used a curse word but used it in the appropriate context, that was freakin' amazing. Why do I point this out? Garbage In: my cussing like a prison inmate, Garbage Out: my not even two year old using the same language on me.

This concept is all around us. We live in the most obese nation on the planet and look around as you drive down a street. I challenge you to go more than 2 miles in any city (suburbs not included, although are soon coming to this) and find me less than 3 fast food restaurants that specialize in fat and salt. Garbage In: Big Macs, Garbage Out: Fat Asses.

Garbage In: Downloading "free" music and "free" porn
Garbage Out: Popups, spyware, viruses, and the computer going POOP

Garbage In: Bush elected
Garbage Out: War in Iraq to finish what his daddy started

Garbage In: Teachers getting paid between $14 and $16 an hour
Garbage Out: Average literacy level in the U.S. is 5th grade

Garbage In: The Bible
Garbage Out: Well... I'll let you think about that one for a bit. Just remember in whose name every war in history has been fought.

Repost - Global Warming.

Repost - An Open Letter to the Advocates of "Gun Control"

Repost - Prove it...

Repost - Cars vs OSes

Author's note - I realize this is dated and since this post I've since started using Linux and this description is less accurate now.

So I got to thinking tonight. Computers and their users are similar to cars and their drivers. Now please keep in mind that these comments are extreme in their generalizations and there is not really any reason to message me and tell me about it because I likely already know. But here goes.

I’ve recently come into possession of a shiny new Macbook Pro as most of you that pay attention already know. Having been forever a Windows user, I jumped at the chance to add Apple experience to my repertoire and résumé, so here we are. I’m noticing a lot of things that make me understand why they call Mac users "snobs". In Windows most of you know that every time you open up a folder you get a smattering of icons on a nice white background. There are ways to hack this, I’m sure, but the average user does not have the know-how or the desire to do this. Hell I am sure even most of your Windows geeks don’t even think about this possibility. On the Mac I can change the background to any image or color I could possibly want. And I can do something different for EACH folder. I mean that is just at the very basic level. There are so many little things that you can do that make this OS far and away more simple and creative to use. I could spend days lauding them and not be done. Does this mean I am no longer a Windows user? Far from it. There are still things I can do on Windows that I can’t do on my Mac. But that will soon change when I use Boot Camp to install a dual boot with XP. But on with my comparison.

OS X is like a Lexus and XP is like a Ford. Ford drivers are staunchly against anything else. Probably because they don’t know any better. Sure they know the comparisons but they have likely never driven a Lexus. Lexus drivers know better and try to point things out, but most of the time they just drive along with their heated seats and voice guided navigation systems installed standard, and let the Fordies preach what they will. Sure the Ford can have a navigation system and heated seats, but they know that they didn’t come up with it and now all they are doing is playing catch-up.

And then there’s Linux. Linux is like a Ferrari that has no backseat, no trunk, a 25 speed gear shift and the engine has to be rebuilt every time they get gas. But it looks damn sexy and purrs like a kitten. As long as you can figure out how to rebuild the engine and learn to shift while holding in the clutch and tapping the gas and brake alternately while honking the horn and rolling up the window.

Repost - Adam, Eve, and "The Fall"?

Author's note - This is probably one of my favorite posts, ever.

As I write this, my mind is swirling with concepts and feelings that I have had for longer than I can remember, but never been able to cogitate into a detectable pattern and put together as they are meant to be. Now, upon completion of His Dark Materials they are finally going on the path they were meant to. A quick side note: As I started these books I wondered why it took finding out about the movie to spark an interest. I had never seen nor heard of these books when they came out and I felt that there was something wrong with that. But having completed them today, I realize that had I come across them any earlier, I may not have seen what I needed to see. Back to the dissertation.

As I was growing up, I became intimately familiar with the story of Adam and Eve, as I grew up with a Christian mother whose life was The Church and it's teachings. She has since realized the error of her ways and come to a greater understanding, for which I think several of us are grateful. But this isn't about her; it's about Adam, Eve and what Christians refer to as "The Fall". For those of you largely unfamiliar with the story, I will attempt to tell it quickly to give a basis for my musings. Now keep in mind that this is biblical, not factual. In the beginning God created the world. He created all the animals and then he created Adam. (Now here there is some debate because some scholars believed God created Adam and Lilith --Adam's first wife-- at the same time.) However, the majority of people believe that God created Adam and then when he saw Adam was lonely, he created Eve from Adam as a companion. (A point I have trouble understanding is that if God created Adam in his own image, and God wasn't in need of a mate or companion, why did he create Eve? But I digress.) God told Adam and Eve that they could do pretty much anything they wanted except eat from this tree that grew in the Garden, the Tree of Knowledge (aka Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil). There was another tree, the Tree of Life, that gave them their gift of immortality, but this one doesn't seem to be as important to the story (although later in Christian development, it became more important than the ToK, but that isn't where I am focusing).

Fast forward a bit: Adam and Eve had lived in the Garden of Eden since the Creation (do you like my liberal use of Capital Letters?). They were naked and felt no shame. They had everything they needed, wanted for nothing. One day Eve was out walking in her nudity and stumbled across a Serpent. He convinces her to eat of the fruit of the ToK and she does. She then takes and gives this fruit to Adam, and Adam --knowing full well what it is and that it's forbidden-- eats of it as well. Supposedly they then become aware of their nakedness and clothed themselves. Later when God was walking through the Garden, he sees their clothes and knows that they have disobeyed him. He then banishes them from the Garden, denying them the fruit of the Tree of Life (thereby denying them their immortality) and forces them to live by their own labor. This "Fall" is the origin of what Christians refer to as "original sin". This is the concept that all humans are born into sin and if they die before accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour, they will go to hell. (Want to have an interesting and lively debate? Ask someone that believes this concept what happens to a baby if they die at birth and then question their logic.)

Now begin my musings. As a kid I had some questions with this story that seemed to get me into trouble. The first one was, if Adam and Eve weren't supposed to eat the fruit of the ToK, why was it there where they could get to it? The answer to this, I was told, is so that they could have free will. My question from this was, if they were supposed to have free will why were they told not to eat from the Tree in the first place? Because God told them not to and they obeyed God. If they obeyed God, what made them disobey him? The devil. Why did the devil want Adam and Eve to disobey God? Because he was jealous of them. Yeah, this raised a whole lot more questions, but we wont get into those here.

Now I was about 5 or 6 when I learned this and at the same time I was learning that God was all knowing, all powerful, and able to be everywhere at once (omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, respectively). This confused me when I compared it to the story of the Garden of Eden. If God was all knowing, didn't he know that they were going to disobey him? If he knew they were going to do it anyways, why tell them not to do it? If he was omnipresent then how did he go walking in the Garden? If he was omniscient, why didn't he know they ate the fruit the second they did it? Instead he learned of it when he saw their clothes. How did the devil even get INTO the Garden if there were angels guarding the place? Things weren't adding up for me, but no one was willing to answer these questions. Indeed, when I asked them, I was told in no uncertain terms that children were to be seen and not heard.

These are not all the questions I have had about the stories I was told from the Bible, but they are the earliest I remember having. A few years ago I turned my back inexorably on the Christian faith. It had been coming for a long time, but I finally made the decision and did it. No, I didn't make any pacts with the devil (mainly because the devil seems to be a completely Christian concept and it seemed silly to me to make a pact with something or someone created by the very stupidity I was trying to escape), nor did I sacrifice any small children or animals. I simply made the decision that I was not going to let fear be the deciding factor in my faith anymore. Fear of screwing up, fear of hell and fear of God. These are the things that Christians teach. Sure they give lip service to loving God, but what they spend far more time talking on is about Fearing him. The Fear of God. That is a popular sermon topic, let me tell you. They also talked about him being my Heavenly Father. Well this helped me to understand the Fear of God because I had Fear of my earthly father as well. Fear that he would find fault with me or the things I did, fear that I would be punished for doing wrong, fear of failure. These were things that I was taught at home and at church, so I thought that was all there was. When I broke those ties to Christianity, I realized that fear was something created to control us. I realize as a parent and as an adult observing other people that fear is a tool that we use far too often. If you fear your boss, you won't screw up, you'll do your job. If your kids fear you they will supposedly listen to you more. If you fear the police or prison, you will be less likely to commit crimes. We live in a society based on this concept of Fear. Read Michael Crichton's novel "State of Fear" for a fantastic example of what this fear can do for an environmental movement. (Global warming, anyone?)

I discovered today what the opposite of fear is. Love. Wait isn't hate the opposite of love? Well let me ask this: what creates hate? Fear. Think about it. It's been proven time and time again that the root of every hate crime is fear. Fear of homosexuality, fear of oppression, fear of repression, fear of a culture or an ideal. Why did the Catholics burn witches in the Inquisition? Fear of the damnation of their souls and fear of what the witches "could make them do" and what the witches knew about them as told to them by the devil himself.

So lets go back to the story of Adam and Eve. Before they ate of the Tree of Knowledge, they were naked. They had no children. The Bible is very specific that they had their children AFTER leaving the Garden of Eden. So it isn't a leap of faith (no pun intended) to see that there was probably no sex either, seeing as how the pill wouldn't come around for another few thousand years. And what is sex but the greatest expression of love between two people. Sure sex can be perverted or used for purely physical satisfaction, but anyone who has ever been in love can tell you that the sex with someone you are truly, deeply in love with is FAR more satisfying and pleasurable than any number of meaningless sexual liaisons. So looking at it from this perspective, lets look again at the eating of the fruit. Eve ate the fruit of the ToK and became aware of Good and Evil, and I believe at the same moment became aware of something else as well. Love. Overcome with this love she took the fruit and offered it to her companion, who then ate of it and became aware of the same sensation. Supposedly they then became aware of their nudity and became ashamed. Why would they have been ashamed simply after learning of Good and Evil? Nudity is not evil. Nor is it good. It is neutral. It is only how we PERCEIVE the nudity that makes it what it is. For example, look at Africans. Their women go topless. There is nothing wrong with that. It is only in Christian-centered countries like America --where 85% of the population claim some faith in the Christian God-- that there is something wrong with a woman's breasts and that they need to be covered. And they take this to ridiculous extremes. Only in the last couple of years has it no longer been a sex crime to breast-feed in public. Before that, if a woman was reported for breast-feeding in certain states, she would actually have to register as a sex offender! All for feeding her baby in public where someone might ::Gasp:: see a nipple! Interestingly enough in non-christian-centric countries, sex and nudity are far less restricted, is this because they are Evil? Or is it that the concept of nudity being shameful is purely Abrahamic? (For those of you unfamiliar with the term, I am referring to Christians, Jews, and Muslims) In those cultures women must be covered in public at all times, even to the extreme in the case of Muslims. Why? If God and the christian religion truly is not the creation of Man why isn't all mankind in the same understanding of sex and nudity? That it is shameful.

Ok back to the story. So they supposedly became shameful and had to clothe themselves. I believe that they discovered something else. Something that the Christian church cannot come to terms with. Sexual love. The Unification church is of the mind that the ToK symbolizes Eve and that the ToL symbolizes perfected Adam. The "fruit" of the tree is Eve's love. Her offering of that love to Adam is implying a sexual relationship before they had the permission of God. Thus the "fall". Although this is a physical fall instead of a spiritual fall. The temptation of Eve by Lucifer is the spiritual fall. Although the Unificationists go so far as to say Eve had a sexual relationship with Lucifer first.

Now the question is, why did God not want them to have this awareness? I mean, WHY did he not want them to eat of the ToK? Was he just being a parent and forbidding something just to test them? Or was there a real reason for it? What doesn't make sense to me, again, is if he is omniscient, why the whole ruse in the first place? He knew that Adam and Eve were going to fall, so why the games? Setting the omniscience aside for a moment since that makes even less sense, why then does he not want them to have this knowledge? Is it because he, himself, is incapable of love? All love is based from sexual love. Love for our children comes from the sexual union that created them. Love for our families again came into being because of that sexual act. So isn't it possible that sex itself is the foundation of our love? They say you can have no love without sex, but you can have sex without love. Is that really true? Can you? I am starting to doubt that. Sure, maybe on the surface you can, but truly, the reason for the sex is a love of SOMETHING. The love of orgasm, of ecstacy, maybe not love for the person you are having sex with, but love nevertheless. Since God has no one else, is he even CAPABLE of love? The bible gives lip service to this, but nothing really definitive in any of his actions. If anything he seems like a pretentious child king. He kicks Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden even though --since he's omniscient-- he KNEW they were gonna do it. He turns his back on pretty much all of his children. He tells Isaac that he has to sacrifice his own SON to him, and does he stop Isaac? Nope. He has an angel do it for him. Supposedly he loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son to save us all, but if he hadn't been a jerk in the first place he wouldn't have HAD to send his son. And what the hell is up with the begotten crap? I mean he didn't even impregnate Mary himself. He sent the holy spirit and she was suddenly "with child". At least Zeus had the balls to do it himself. Repeatedly.

So is this incapability for love what causes the church elders to label what Adam and Eve felt as shame? Since God didn't write the bible himself, and he just dictated it to somebody, how did that go?

"So, wait, they started having sex so you threw them out? Why the hell did you do that?"

"Just write it down"

Now lets look at what this shame --oh, and by the way, shame is the FEAR of being viewed as less in the eyes of someone you respect or care about-- has done to us. Let's start with the Catholic church. Because of Eve's fall, the female form is seen as shameful and sinful. Hell, even the CONCEPT of "original sin" is because of Eve. Because of this the church sees women as evil. Priests are not allowed to wed. They are not allowed to know love in it's physical manifestation. Because of this we have scandals that "rock the foundation of the Church" when priests try to find that love where it is closest to them, the altar boys. (Amazingly enough these same priests are the ones that vocally detest and denounce homosexuality stronger than almost anyone else, hypocrisy knows no bounds in the Church) Anyone who does magick knows that when you are done with a working you have to release that power. The best and most satisfying way is with sex. Again this goes back to love. And priests work magick every time they hold mass, whether that is how they want to refer to it or not, that is what it is. They are calling the power of their chosen deity to manifest itself in a form they choose through their commandment (communion through transubstantiation). That's magick, folks. Every magickian on the planet aims to reach closeness with their form of deity through their own power or commandment. Aleister Crowley, arguably one of the greatest magickians of all time, calls that Greater Magick. Another way he describes that is "pursuit of the beloved". There's that love word again. Crowley also teaches "Love is the Law, Love under Will".

Love is the Law. That is a concept I have been struggling with for quite some time. As many of you know, I have a problem with loving my fellow humans. I really don't like them. Frankly they tend to disgust me. Other than the few I choose to share my life with, I can't stand to be around them. Why is that? As I finished His Dark Materials, I was challenged to confront that. I always disdained the New Agers when they went on touting Love and Tolerance for All Mankind. "Fuck tolerance" I have said many times in the past. I always thought that love was one of those things reserved for my wife, kids and family. Because of the truly hypocritical nature of Christianity, I thought love for everyone else meant I would be doing the same thing they are. Namely giving lip service to a concept that they want you to believe they practice. But I came to the realization long ago that love is NOT the name of their game. No matter how hard they want you to believe it, it's not what their religion is based on. Like I covered before, their religion is based on Fear. And you cannot have both Fear and Love be the focus of your thoughts. They are mutually exclusive. If you think I am wrong, prove it. In my experience people whose badge and banner is Christianity are truly miserable people inside. Why is that? As I go through life, I have found that the people who truly seem to be happy and in love with life have nothing to do with religion what-so-ever. Sure I see people who on the outside seem to be loving with their Christianity, but when you truly get to know them, you discover how spiteful they are of everyone but their "God". In my hatred of Christianity and God, I have really been doing what they wanted me to do all along. I have alienated myself from others. Because let's face it, those are the true teachings of Abrahamic religions: God above all else, including self and others. I have simply replaced that concept of God with another, but I am still doing the same thing.

Does this mean that I will all of a sudden be a different person? No, unlike Saul in the biblical story, I have not had a hallucination that alters my complete frame of reality. I have, however, had my eyes opened to a new concept. One that I hope can begin to change my life in a more positive way. Love is the Law. Love for everyone. Does this mean I have to LIKE everyone? Absolutely not. But love accepts the humanity, not necessarily the actions of the human. Our lives also need to be filled with the love of things around us. The trees, the birds, the earth, our families, our friends. We cannot focus on trying to fix everything wrong with everyone else, we simply need to accept and love what we can. I think that is the point of this. Where Christians claim to love everyone but are truly only motivated by fear of their God, humans need to actually LOVE.

Repost - People can GPF, too


So the family and I went out for dinner at the OG the other night for Piggy's birthday dinner. We went in and told them we needed a table with two high chairs. The girl just kinda stood there dumbfounded for a bit. So I explained to her that we had a two year old that needed to be restrained and a 9 month old. She started to understand and then the wife said "Or you could just put us at a booth with one high chair instead." I shit you not the girl fuckin' blue screened. For those of you not familiar with a blue screen (read: someone living in a technological black hole for the last 13 years... or someone that uses Macs exclusively) it's when Windows craps out on you. You get the dreaded "Blue Screen of Death" or BSOD which is an error that is unrecoverable. The only thing you can do is shut down and reboot. Apparently people can do this as well, since that's what happened to the poor thing. As she was trying to reboot one of her coworkers happened to come up. I explained the same thing to her and she said no problem and we got a table in short order.

This got me thinking. How many times have you been dealing with someone and seen them do this? Or had it happen to you? As we get older, our brains fill up with more shit and we don't really have an adequate Temp file cleaner. Sure you can get amnesia, but this generally isn't advisable because it doesn't usually delete the files you want. This is why older people have slower reactions, their processors are older, not as much RAM as the younger models, and then they fill up with spyware and viruses and it starts taking a toll on their system performance. Microsoft recommends wiping your harddrive annually and reinstalling. You can back up your data first so you don't really lose anything, but this gives you an opportunity to get rid of programs you aren't really using anymore and to get rid of any malicious software that you may have picked up from limewire and what not. Why can't we do that to our brains? You know, back up the pertinent info like name, family, decent memories, and then reformat and reinstall. This also helps get rid of potentially unwanted memories (I mean who really wants to remember walking in on their parents trying to make them a sibling when they were three years old?) and allows for reorganization of pertinent data. We at least need a defrag option. This would help those "absent-minded professor" types, neh?

Although this brings to mind other operating systems. Clearly Windows is the OS of choice and if you look at the masses, the large majority of them blue screen or GPF (general protection fault, a lesser error) on a regular basis and need to reboot quite often. However, since it is the most common OS, more users are compatible with it and you can install and run more software on them. Then some people are running OS X. These are usually your tree-huggers and the like. Usually more intelligent, eloquent and generally more aesthetically pleasing. But they clearly are not for all users. Then you have Linux, these are your young, techie types. They generally still live at home, but some have split off from their Parent Tree and are successfully creating their own tree directories. They go against the status quo, like tinkering with shit, and generally muck about where they shouldn't. They can be greatly successful if they are ever motivated beyond playing their WoW or other MMORPGs and get off their asses and do something. Then you have your UNIX users. These are the older folks who just don't understand all that new-fangled technology. Powerful in their own time, now they just can't keep up and resent the younger crowd that can.

I could go on for days on this, but I will leave it at this for now since I get bitched at about my "novellas".

Repost - Guns in Schools

Repost - A New Church


So I've decided to start a new church. Yup, you heard right. It's called the Goat of the Heathens Church. Or the GotH Church. Hehe. So here are some laws for my church. The Satanists have 9, the Xians have 10, I have 8. More efficiency I say.

The Eight Laws

1. Think for yourself.
This should be obvious, but as is evidenced by the billion Abrahamists out there - Christians, Jews and Muslims - it isn't practiced.

2. Treat others correctly.
Everybody always says to treat others as you want to be treated. This is crap. Treat others as THEY should be treated. If they have no regard for themselves or those around them, you need not have regard for them. If they go out of their way to disturb you, destroy them. Likewise, if they treat you with respect, return the gesture unequivocally.

3. Keep Silent.
Nobody wants to hear about your bad day. Or that your dog died on Tuesday. Cold? Sure. True? Absolutely. Unless someone specifically ASKS you to give them details, keep it to yourself. Along the same vein, you do not need to give all your qualifications to everyone you encounter.

4. Treat children with reverence.
Again, should be obvious. But too many fucktards out there make this law necessary. If they cannot defend themselves then you are worse than a monster if you prey on them.

5. Respect the land.
Until we move to Mars this is all we got. Respect it and take care of it. This doesn't mean you have to buy into all the Global Warming horseshit (see Law 1) but it does mean you need to stop trashing it.

6. Put no other gods above yourself.
YOU are your god. Regardless of whether you worship another form, that god is you and is a part of you. If you want something done, do it. If you want something done for someone else, do it. Do not sit back and say "it's God's will" or "God has a plan". If there IS a real God, then he/she stopped giving a shit a long time ago, now there is no Fate but what we make.

7. Conform to no one.
Maintain your own beliefs. If you like Pentacles, wear them. If you want to have sex while hanging upside down from the rafters, feel free. Do not let religionists dictate what you can and cannot believe and do.

8. Zealots need not apply.
Let the nuts stay in their Houses of the Holy. We don't need them here. Simple enough?

I think these are a good start. Some are similar to ones I've seen elsewhere, I just agree with them enough to include them here.

More to come.

Repost - How does one foster genius?


So my son, the one who is in speech therapy because he doesn't speak English, the one who will probably have to be put into a special preschool so that he can start kindergarten on time, shocked the crap out of me today. He was running around playing in the living room and looked up and noticed that my desktop was being used. I was remoted in from my laptop so I could manage some files and he could see what I was doing on the screen. He immediately ran over to me and looked at my laptop screen and could see that I was controlling the desktop. He looked at my monitor then pointed at the desktop and said something. It sounded important, but I don't speak his language. He then ran off doing whatever he had been doing before the interruption.

What stunned me was that he recognized that something was going on on the computer and that someone had to be controlling it. How does he have any frame of reference for this? How does he know that it's not just another "TC"? (His word for TV. Since he can't seem to close his mouth to form words, he alters them to sound close enough to the actual word but so he doesn't have to close his mouth.) How did he know that because something was happening on the desktop and his Mommy wasn't sitting there doing it that someone else had to be doing it?

More importantly how do I foster this? It's apparent that my kids are above average smart. Aurora sees patterns in things almost as fast as I do, and I see them faster than anybody I know. I'm not trying to be a braggart, I am genuinely concerned. My parents did a pretty decent job raising me. When I was younger they both worked with me to learn reading and math. Interestingly my Mom taught me to do things quite a bit differently than they taught in school, and it worked better. I got in trouble for doing math the way my Dad taught because I could shortcut out the work. My teachers would get pissed because I didn't show them HOW I got the right answer. It didn't matter that the answer was right, they wanted to see me get there. But when I was older, ten or eleven on up, they really couldn't spend time working on that kind of stuff. My brother was in the picture and they were getting divorced. Hell, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have done them any good even if they HAD the time. I did some stupid shit when I was younger and it saddens me to realize that I am just now beginning to realize the potential I once had. Hindsight is 20/20 they say. It's too bad foresight isn't at least 20/30. I see parents who stay at home and do nothing but push their kids, constantly teaching them new things, constantly testing them. And their kids are smart. But my kids are almost as smart (actually smarter in some areas) as they are and they don't have the benefit of the wife and I staying home and pandering to their every desire. Although you look at those kids as they grow up and you see that they may have book smarts, but not much else. What is the right mixture of teaching them intellectually and then teaching them about life? I saw a comic where the character said "Hold on a second... my common sense is tingling." The caption underneath - "Common sense: so rare it's a god damned super power." And it's really quite true. I've got a lot of common sense, but my wife makes me look like a dunce in that department. However, I've got her beat hands down in the intellectual stuff, generally speaking. I think that our kids will have the perfect mix of the two. Although Aurora sure has some problems with the common sense stuff sometimes. But then again, what six year old doesn't?

Another interesting thing to take from this. I talked to my Mom about what happened and she said something that gave me pause. "Kids are way more perceptive and intuitive than we give them credit for. Unfortunately we dumb it out of them." It's really true. When I was but a young lad one of my favorite games was Trivial Pursuit. I just barely met the minimum age required and I didn't really do great when we played, but I loved playing it. I learned so many things from those questions. I could beat the pants off anyone my age or even a few years older, but my parents generally won. I also became a walking encyclopedia of useless trivia. (Although I am learning that trivia isn't nearly as useless as I once thought. But I digress.) The point of this little side note is that I was watching "TC" the other night and saw a commercial for the "All new" Trivial Pursuit.... with Easy, Medium, and Hard questions. From a marketing aspect I guess it makes sense for them to do that. Nobody is smart anymore, in fact you are hated and feared if you are smarter than the status quo. But it just goes to show how we are dumbing this country down more and more. Have you watched that show "Are you smarter than a fifth grader"? It's truly sad how stupid some of the contestants are. Now some of the questions are a bit unfair (how many of us need to know the capitals of every state in the U.S. anymore?) but in general they go to show what a sad state of affairs we are in. What is causing this? On the outside it appears that our schools are getting better. My daughter comes home with homework in first grade that I don't remember doing until third or fourth grade. Yet she is missing some of the most basic steps in learning. Our kids are being bombarded with learning so much so fast that they are missing the foundational blocks needed to truly *understand* what it is that they are learning. They are taught to recognize words by sight instead of learning things like phonics so that they can learn HOW to pronounce the word. While this is fantastic at first, you realize later that when confronted with words they haven't seen before, they have no idea even where to begin trying to figure out the word. But they can program their DVRs to make sure not to miss a single episode of Spongebob Squareshorts. How do we get back to the fundamentals yet keep them abreast of the changing times?

I sure don't know the answer, but I am going to find out. Let me know if you've got it figured out.

Repost - Obama's Inaugural Speech Pisses of the Xians


So during Obama's inaugural speech, he actually said something that gave me a modicum of respect for him.

"For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and non-believers."

Holy rusted metal, Batman! This sent the Xians (specifically African-American ones, interestingly enough) into a fucking tizzy. They are repeating that our country was founded on Christianity alone. Last I checked (which was right now) the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence says nothing about the Christian religion. The Declaration refers to a Creator and Nature's God. Neither of those are specifically Judeo-Christian, lots of religions - in fact almost all of them - have a creator of some sort. The words God or Christ(ian) do not appear anywhere in the Constitution. Oh, and the Pledge of Allegiance? Yeah, the words "under God" weren't added until 22 April 1951 and it wasn't done by the gov't, it was done by the Knights of Columbus (a Catholic fraternity of wannabe Masons). It wasn't made law until 14 June 1954. LONG after the founding of our country.

I'm also pretty sure that this nation was specifically founded so that it's people could be free to practice religion they way they saw fit, which includes not at all. Not just Christianity. If that was the case, Catholics wouldn't be allowed either (seeing as how it was the Catholic church they were running from). Although it's funny that they make comments like this:

The Rev. Cecil Blye, pastor of More Grace Ministries Church in Louisville, Ky., said the president's reference to nonbelievers also set off major alarm bells for him. "It's important to understand the heritage of our country, and it's a Judeo-Christian tradition,"’ period.

The heritage of our country was actually non-Judeo-Christian. About as far from J-C as you can be, as a matter of fact. Apparently it's easy to forget that our "founding fathers" were actually immigrants to begin with. The original heritage of our country is Native American and they worshiped their ancestors and animal spirits. Some worshiped a "Great Spirit" but it sure as fuck wasn't the Judeo-Christian "God". It was probably a lot friendlier and less narcissistic. So before we start spouting off about the "heritage of our country" lets try to remember the truth of the matter. It was your God in whose name the conquistadors and the puritans enslaved and destroyed indigenous peoples from Canada to Argentina and back again.

Oh, and that was just this continent. Let's not forget St. Patrick. Or the Inquisitions, any one of 'em. What about the holocaust? Yeah, Hitler tried to eradicate the Jews in God's name, too. Actually, pretty much every atrocity and major war since the origin of your religion has been done in God's name. So before you get all sanctimonious about this country having a Judeo-Christian heritage, why don't you think about what that has wrought. Hell, maybe we need some non-believers running things for a while, we might actually get something worthwhile accomplished. Look what happened the last time we had an Evangelical in office. Oh yeah, that was Bush and we've been at war pretty much his entire tenure... interesting.


Hey, so I'm going to be reposting some of my favorite blogs from my MySpace... er My[____]. I'm closing that account and I'd like to have them around, so if you've already read these, my apologies. And if you haven't, well, they're new to you, so enjoy! ^_^