16 January 2011

Repost - People can GPF, too


So the family and I went out for dinner at the OG the other night for Piggy's birthday dinner. We went in and told them we needed a table with two high chairs. The girl just kinda stood there dumbfounded for a bit. So I explained to her that we had a two year old that needed to be restrained and a 9 month old. She started to understand and then the wife said "Or you could just put us at a booth with one high chair instead." I shit you not the girl fuckin' blue screened. For those of you not familiar with a blue screen (read: someone living in a technological black hole for the last 13 years... or someone that uses Macs exclusively) it's when Windows craps out on you. You get the dreaded "Blue Screen of Death" or BSOD which is an error that is unrecoverable. The only thing you can do is shut down and reboot. Apparently people can do this as well, since that's what happened to the poor thing. As she was trying to reboot one of her coworkers happened to come up. I explained the same thing to her and she said no problem and we got a table in short order.

This got me thinking. How many times have you been dealing with someone and seen them do this? Or had it happen to you? As we get older, our brains fill up with more shit and we don't really have an adequate Temp file cleaner. Sure you can get amnesia, but this generally isn't advisable because it doesn't usually delete the files you want. This is why older people have slower reactions, their processors are older, not as much RAM as the younger models, and then they fill up with spyware and viruses and it starts taking a toll on their system performance. Microsoft recommends wiping your harddrive annually and reinstalling. You can back up your data first so you don't really lose anything, but this gives you an opportunity to get rid of programs you aren't really using anymore and to get rid of any malicious software that you may have picked up from limewire and what not. Why can't we do that to our brains? You know, back up the pertinent info like name, family, decent memories, and then reformat and reinstall. This also helps get rid of potentially unwanted memories (I mean who really wants to remember walking in on their parents trying to make them a sibling when they were three years old?) and allows for reorganization of pertinent data. We at least need a defrag option. This would help those "absent-minded professor" types, neh?

Although this brings to mind other operating systems. Clearly Windows is the OS of choice and if you look at the masses, the large majority of them blue screen or GPF (general protection fault, a lesser error) on a regular basis and need to reboot quite often. However, since it is the most common OS, more users are compatible with it and you can install and run more software on them. Then some people are running OS X. These are usually your tree-huggers and the like. Usually more intelligent, eloquent and generally more aesthetically pleasing. But they clearly are not for all users. Then you have Linux, these are your young, techie types. They generally still live at home, but some have split off from their Parent Tree and are successfully creating their own tree directories. They go against the status quo, like tinkering with shit, and generally muck about where they shouldn't. They can be greatly successful if they are ever motivated beyond playing their WoW or other MMORPGs and get off their asses and do something. Then you have your UNIX users. These are the older folks who just don't understand all that new-fangled technology. Powerful in their own time, now they just can't keep up and resent the younger crowd that can.

I could go on for days on this, but I will leave it at this for now since I get bitched at about my "novellas".

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