20 April 2009

Damned paranoia

So once again my paranoia has reared it's ugly head to bite me square in the ass. Let me take you through an example of why healthy paranoia is not always fun and games.

Two years ago I signed up for Vonage. Among it's plethora of features was the option to block calls that came in with caller ID blocked. Fast forward to two nights ago. I was looking at Verizon's website to see how much it would cost to add data to my plan so I could surf the interwebs on my phone. In the features section I saw that I could add Caller ID blocking to my phone for free. Thinking this would be nice since sometimes I have to call teachers from my cell phone and I would rather they not have the number, I checked the box and saved my changes. I'm sure you can see where this is going. I didn't think a thing of it until today when I got in the van from work and tried to call home. I got the message "We're sorry but the party you are calling does not accept calls from blocked numbers at this time. Please try your call again." Oh yeah, cause I am sure LATER will be different. No option to dial 1 to unblock my number and continue the call. No instructions to hang up and dial *82 and the number. Since I didn't get an option I wasn't sure if there even was a way to call and unblock my number since this was VOIP and what not. But I tried *82 anyways and it worked. Yay. *Note to self, try to keep all paranoid precautions in mind when making changes to one's various services.

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