07 April 2009


After reading Stina's post about RIFing and DITing, I thought I would add my two cents. One of the girls that I work with daily got a RIF letter so her last day is the 30th of June. It sucks because there aren't a whole lot of people that I can work well with and she is one of them. Now they are going to bring in some old hag from one of the schools to take her place and what am I gonna do? I don't do well with people I don't know and/or don't like. I mean I use her login all the time to go shopping for stuff I want/need for work. Is the new lady gonna let me do that? Prolly not. All selfishness aside, though, it sucks because she is very suited for her position. When the district did their RIF they didn't take into account whether someone was A) Competent, B) Knowledgeable or C) Works well with others in the department. All they did was look at someone's position and their time in that position. The person could have been with the district for 30 years, but if they recently took a promotion they got cut. It's ridiculous. They need to have a "Worth-A-Fuck" meter. If they are low then they get axed. But if they do a job that few people are competent enough to do, then they shouldn't get RIFed. For example, the secretary I work with has to deal with teachers on a regular basis. The other person they bring in will probably not have had to do that, and believe me, that is no walk in the park. So she deals with pissy, demanding teachers, two people that fight like an old married couple (me and the other girl in the dept) and then she has to deal with my moodiness and demands all while putting in purchase orders and making sure she is still taking care of our director as well. That's a demanding job and I don't think many other secretaries of her level would even be capable of doing it, let alone willing. This is dumb.

Another shitty part is that our salaries are funded federally. We don't cost the district a dime. Yet they get to determine who gets to keep the job? I call bullshit.

We need to send our legislature a fucking wake up call. Arizona is 49th in the country for a REASON and cutting education even more is NOT going to fix that. One of our douchebag legislators actually said "Face it, education does not create jobs". No shit, Sherlock. But it *does* ensure that we have people educated and trained enough to GET jobs. Fucking ass hat. Maybe if we revamped our education system we could teach kids and prepare them for jobs they'll be getting when they get out of school. We need to stop thinking of education in the 19th century classroom format, we need to adapt. We need to innovate. Watch these videos and you'll see what I mean:

Change * (This one has Uncle Phil in it)

Did you know?

*Note - The point of this is not an ad for Kaplan, I don't support them any more than I do any of the other crappy, overpriced online colleges, the point is the message it sends.


  1. I totally agree, AZ needs to fix something. It will seriously come back to haunt them if they don't. I found out another person at our school who got a RIF letter. The two people that got cut were my favorite people on staff. Kinda blows. Now, assuming I still have a job next year, I most likely will have to work with a FEMALE. How bizarre. I have gotten used to 2 years of working with 1st grade team members that are male. It's sad to see your friends go, so can relate to you on that one. If it were to take into account performance things would be very different. That's the UNION for you.

  2. Yeah, but we don't have a union in our district. The board is the ones that put this policy in effect.
