25 April 2009

When are T.H.E.Y. gonna get it?

It saddens me to realize that The International Organization of T.H.E.Y. is never going to "get it". This country is still run by a government and corporations that are stuck in 19th century mindsets. Schools are primarily setup in the same way they have been almost since their inception. Nobody is taking into account that the world is different, the people are different, the technology is different. We no longer learn by being lectured to, we no longer understand by rote. We have to change the way things are being done.

I just finished the finale of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I am pretty sure they are not going to renew it for another season. Do you want to know why? Because TV networks are still doing everything by Nielsen ratings. Are you kidding me? Raise your hand if you still watch ALL your shows ONLY when they are aired. Interesting, I don't see any. Um, you in the back, you can put your arm down. Nobody likes you anyway. Instead we watch TV on DVRs, TiVos, Hulu, iTunes, and network websites. We watch shows when WE want to. Our lives are too sporadic to live by a schedule determined by dumbasses in thousand-dollar suits. Yet they still gauge everything they do by those little Nielsen boxes. I'll tell you what, I have seen too many shows go the way of the dodo because of those fucking boxes. When are they going to get a clue? I read once that the reason they don't take all the other sources into account when they tabulate their data is because it's too much information. So we get shows like Firefly, Dresden Files, Moonlight, and TSCC cancelled because they just want to hit a button and see the Nielsen scans. While shows like Survivor go on for season after season. It sucks because we are letting everything be dictated by the few idiots that watch their shows at specific times. We are pandering to those that have no lives. That pisses me off.

It seems that instead of getting better, this stuff is getting worse. The internet is no longer just a tool for geeks and nerds, it is accessible to anyone and everyone. Don't believe me? Just watch a video on YouTube - any video really - and read the comments posted. You'll find that the majority of the people commenting are certainly NOT geeks and nerds. Yes, the internet is still mainly run by the smart people, but with Web 2.0 you'll find more and more that everyone has discovered they can make their voices heard, for good or ill. Yet corporations still think it's a fad. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to a company's website and found that information hasn't been updated in over a year. Why is this? What will it take for society's leaders to wake up and tap into this vast world of cyberspace? For something other than advertising, that is.

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