16 April 2009

Fatties <3 CiCi's

So we went to CiCi's Pizza tonight for the first time. And hopefully for the last time. Other than the fact that I turned into an absolute bear after dinner because my sugar shot up to over 330, I realized that CiCi's is everything that is wrong with our society. Let me tell you why. You can go there and get unlimited Pizza, Pasta, Breadsticks and Dessert. For $5.49. Oh, and some salad. But we were the only ones I saw getting salad. I went through the line for the first time and as I walked to our table I looked around. Other than the few Fire Dept Paramedics at one table there was one, I repeat, ONE family there that had people smaller than us. And the place was fairly packed. Only about 7 empty tables. At almost every table was a family of fatties. Not just one or two, the whole family.

Cassi went up to the line (we go in turns so one of us can stay with the kids) and as she got through the line, patiently waiting after getting her pizza, she gets to the dessert part and this fat bitch stampedes up from the seating area and takes almost all of the cinnabuns. Cassi grabs the two that are left after this display of self-control by the hefty bitch and sits down. I go up after I eat my pizza to sample some dessert as well and as I am getting up there the same thing happens to me. Tubby McFatass sees me going for the dessert, shoves her way up there and snatches 80% of the cinnabuns. I was like "WTF?" So I get one of the remaining three (there was another guy the bitch cut off who was also waiting) and sit back down. I told Cassi the same thing happened to me. We compared notes on our hippos and found it to be the same hippo on both accounts. So I start to watch her a little bit. She went back to that dessert table no less than four more times and obtained most of the cinnabuns each time. She was sitting with only three people. I'm not sure if she shared, but they were all "large and in charge" to say the least. Now I'm not a thin person, nor is my wife, but god dammit, this made me disgusted. There is not one thing nutritionally redeeming on the menu at CiCi's. And the fatties know it. Boy do they know it.

I don't think we'll be going back there any time soon. Sure it's fairly inexpensive for the wallet. But the cost to your body isn't worth the savings.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...good news is they won't be around much longer to keep that shit up...
