19 April 2009

Suicide and Jail? Wut?

We were watching World's Scariest Dumbass Criminals - or some shit - tonight, and I saw something that triggered a thought train I've had numerous times in the past. Why do we put dumbasses that threaten to commit suicide in jail? Or even better, why do we put dumbasses on Death Row on Suicide Watches? Does this make any fucking sense to anyone else? We spend billions of dollars a year keeping people on Death Row healthy just so we can eventually kill them? Or how about people who are in prison for life without the possibility of parole? Those guys live better than most of the rest of the world. Including the 12.5% of Americans at or below the poverty level.

How.. wha... who thought this was the right way to do things? I mean c'mon, this is ridiculous. We have population problems as it is, I say we do some serious purging of our jail systems. Let the potsmokers and kids that were dorking their 16 or 17 year old girlfriends when they were 19 or 20, out. Let the white collar criminals and the hackers out on "community control" or probation or whatever. Kill the fuckin' child molesters (*note* the word child as defined as a young person between birth and puberty), the murderers, the career felons, the coke/meth/heroin dealers/addicts and let's start the fuck over. That still leaves plenty of people in jail for other shit, but will save the American taxpayers billions. Maybe we can use that money to reshape the current justice system. I'm tired of reading about police so ignorant of technology that they think linux users are cyber-terrorists or some shit. Constantly I hear about police raids and judge verdicts that are based on complete ignorance of the technology they are ruling on. We need to setup a justice system that is specifically trained for certain cases. Judges and prosecutors and police that are current with technology. The same for sex crimes, for drug crimes and for violent crime. I mean hell, they allegedly have special victims units dedicated to this shit but really it just seems like the cops are about as clueless as the judges and attorneys. Have you ever seen a lawyer specializing in cyber crime defense? I haven't either. Our society is (d)evolving too damn fast to be basing court decisions on cases made decades or even centuries ago.

They say there is nothing new under the sun. I call Rule 34 on that shit. Confusing? Too bad, cause we are moving too fast for you not to know what I am talking about. We need a fucking revolution and there are too many god-damned sheeple out there to make it happen.

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